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Adopt-a-Family Christmas Program
Christmas Objects
Adopt-A-Family works in cooperation with the Cape Breton Christmas Network to ensure that every family in need receives gifts and food and that duplication is avoided. Families register according to the program guidelines, and over the past number of years we have helped over 500 families a year, which represents an average of over 1200 children.

While we recognize that while the Every Woman's Centre sponsors this program, it is through our generous donors that it is possible to make children's wishes come true.
What do families receive?
Children receive their wish item
A wrapped gift for the parents(s)/guardian
A Christmas Meal
Paper to wrap the children's gifts
A Christmas card
Adopters are invited to spice-up the package with whatever goodies they would like to include. Whatever is purchased for a family goes directly to that family. Packages are not separated or redistributed in any way.
Interested in Adopting a Family?
Those wishing to adopt a family can simply contact the Centre (902) 567-1212 or in person and state their intention to contribute. Each donation is accepted within the spirit of giving and no contribution is too small. We know that others have discovered what we have discovered: that believing can make dreams come true .Adopters can do their own shopping for their adopted family or our Centre volunteers will shop on behalf of the adopter. Any direct monetary contributions we receive for this program are distributed to the families in-need that we serve.
Every Woman's Centre
21 Trinity Avenue, Sydney, NS B1P 4Z4
(902) 567-1212
Monday - Friday 9:00am to 4:00pm
Saturday - Sunday CLOSED

CHARITABLE No. #87071 8566 RR0001
©Every Woman's Centre. 2025. All rights reserved.
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